Live Blog Day 3: afternoon

Welcome back to the live blog. You can read this morning’s live blog. Enhancing spatial safety: fixing thousands of flex array warnings by Gustavo A.R. Silva In the C language, flexible array members (FAMs) are the last member of a struct, and they can expand...

Live Blog Day 3: morning

Welcome back for the final day of Kernel Recipes. You can yesterday morning and afternoon live blog as well. We start the day with the traditional charity auction. All proceeds will go to Lar Sao Domingos, a Brazilian charity teaching and supporting poor children....

Live Blog Day 2: afternoon

This is the continuation of this morning’s live blog. Diving into the kernel mitigations by Breno Leitao When Spectre happened, many people thought the bug would be fixed and that would be the end of that. But CPU bugs keep coming out, and new mitigations for...

Live Blog Day 2: morning

Welcome back to the live blog for day 2 of Kernel Recipes 2024. You can read the live blog from yesterday morning and afternoon. Emma, the artist behind the Kernel Recipes penguin mascot has signed two original drawings that will be put to sale at the charity auction...

Live Blog Day 1: afternoon

Continued from this morning’s live blog. Kernel and security, or CVEs are alive, do not panic! by Greg KH Five years ago at Kernel Recipes, Greg was firmly against CVEs. He starts by admitting he was wrong. And things changed, with CNAs, pushed by the python...

Live Blog Day 1 : morning

Welcome to the Kernel Recipes 2024 live blog. Anne is doing the usual introduction: what is Kernel Recipes, what is special about this edition? The theme is the Olympic Games, and this can be seen in this edition’s logo, the penguin mascot, and the upcoming...